“NaiNai is your…

“NaiNai is your new nickname!” –My friends.

As a human who still has a life outside the internet, in free time I hang out with my friends. They are quite funny and crazy like me I believe so.

Let me tell you guys some funny story when I’m texting using BlackBerry in a group, it all started when we chat in the General Discussion..

So, we were chatting like usual. And I told them to call me Nai (my other nickname. I’m sure not going to tell you all my real name, sorry.) when they asked me–a new member– what should they call me.

So it ended by me being called Nai -chan/ any other suffixs. However, it did not ended like that. It’s still continuing.

After chatting a few while, suddenly, someone said my name, but…!

It’s not Nai.


Mind I say that, NaiNai means grandmother in Mandarin.

In the end, even until now, I’m being called NaiNai. The grandmother in the group lololol orz

There’s more to that, but with a different topic.

“I shall now call you, Kuroai!”

You can guess, it’s about how I get called Kuroai in the first place. So in the other site, my nickname is ‘Ai’ and people over there forgot about me when I’m introducing myself, though there is one person who noticed.

And then they finally noticed, then I told them it’s fine because I’m used to it–being forgotten (cruel life).

Here’s the story;

There was this time when our teacher held out a question estafet-thingy and I got skipped 3 turns until the 4th turn, someone noticed me lol. And I was standing beside the teacher too. My first thought was ; Wow, I’m invisible! /shot/

So yeah, like that.

My friend over there, who is a KnB (kuroko no basuke) fan said to me that I’m a female version of Kuroko over there.

“Guys! We have a female version of Kuroko here!”

I laughed at that, truly laughed at that.

“But yes, it seems that we do have a fem!Kuroko here XD”

So I was dumbfounded, founding that I’m similar to Kuroko lol. But I was happy too, he’s my second favorite character at Kurobas.. XD

Then my friend said;

“Haha, yeah! So from now on, I’ll call you Kuroai! Can I?”

Kuro from Kuroko’s name, and Ai from my name.

It’s quite funny how Kuro means black in Japanese, and Ai means love. So, black love? LOL

Okay that’s for now. I’m sorry for my countless ramblings. Good day!

Kuroko no Basuke Chapter 214 Review



So yeah guys, I’ve read the raw version of Kuroko no Basuke chapter 214!

Two things I have to say about this chapter: MY HEART.

*coughs* okay, that requires an explanation!

As you see, in the last page of chapter 213, we saw that Aomine began to ‘bloom’, all you must know what that means right? Everything is starting to crumble. We can guess that in the later chapters, Aomine will hate basketball and leaves Kuroko like Kuroko had said in the flashbacks.

In there, Aomine already got his doubts about ‘is there someone stronger than me?’ thing. just look at his eyes!

We all know what will happen next..

Oh, there was the scene where Kuroko put his Popsicle on Aomine (laughs hard)

The rest of the Generation of Miracles is also slowly ‘blossoming’ . My comment exactly; OHGOSHMYHEARCAN’TTAKETHISANYMORE.

Yeah.. KnB for me is quite a sad manga even though it’s not! But, Kuroko’s bond with the Generation of Miracles is slowly crumbling. Isn’t that painful? Imagine like you have a best friend, but he/she started to leave you. It would be painful, right?

Speaking of best friend.. Kuroko’s friend was introduced!

Kuroko no Basket - Raw - 19

His name is Ogiwara Shigehiro. He’s the guy that I posted a picture in this post, check it, scroll it up.

He’s a total bishounen /shot/

I guess that his personality would be similar to Kiyoshi, I don’t know why. But I have this gut feeling! He looks cheerful, and of course loves basketball. From Kuroko’s conversation with him, it sounds like he’s a caring and considerate guy.

But the thing is that, I have a bad feeling about this. For some reason, I feel like Ogiwara will either meet Kuroko (which is a good thing) but he’ll.. I don’t know, Kuroko said that his best friend .. Oh I can’t continue, the angst is killing me!

In other case, before the match, before the Popsicle scene; Kuroko discussed with his friend about Aomine.

At the end of the match, Kuroko sent a text to Ogiwara (: Then Ogiwara smiled in response, as his team mates called him. End of chapter!

Hey hey, you Akashi lovers. His smile at the chapter was gorgeous, I tell you that. It’s where they had lunch with each other, damn it Akashi you’re too handsome for your own good!

Haha, I guess that’s all. I enjoyed reading this chapter even though EVERYTHING IS SLOWLY CRUMBLING!

This was a short review, I know. I can’t make long ones sorry!

Can’t wait for the next chapter. Good work, Fujimaki-sensei ;D

Fanfiction: Losing


That’s the link of my fanfiction in the Kuroko’s Basketball, also known as Kuroko no Basuke, fandom!

It’s about where Akashi gathered the GoM (Generation of Miracles) to Rakuzan, as he was acting suspiciously. In the end of the day, he was asked by the phantom player–Kuroko Tetsuya about why was Akashi acting like that. Akashi merely smirked and answered; “Play with me, for the last time”

So, what did he mean by that? Last time? Is he unable to play basketball again?

After the Winter Cup.

I hope you’ll all like it! Beware for angst =w=

Sneak Peaks;

Or else, you’ll break more.

Akashi-kun isn’t someone who would break his promise like that.

Play with me, for the last time.

We’ll never abandon you, ever again.